Dr. Amanda Ellis-O’Quinn is the Coordinator of Student Affairs, Recruitment, and Retention, and an Associate Professor at Southwest Virginia Community College. She earned a B.A. Degree from Emory and Henry College in Public Policy, a M.S. Degree from Radford University in Community Counseling, and a Ph.D. from Old Dominion University in Community College Leadership.
New student orientation courses are one of the most popular methods used by colleges to address student attrition, but there is little research to show whether these courses are effective. This article features a study which examined the relationship between enrollment in orientation courses and increased student retention.
Recommended Citation
Ellis-O’Quinn, D.
An Ex Post Facto Study of First-year Student Orientation as an Indicator of Student Success at a Community College.
Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges,
Retrieved from https://commons.vccs.edu/inquiry/vol17/iss1/6