
Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges

Aims & Scope

The aim of Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges is to be accessible and engaging for a variety of readers whose professional concerns reflect the many disciplines and efforts of community colleges. Manuscripts are solicited in the following categories:

Scholarly/Conceptual Papers and Research-Based Studies
These full-length manuscripts are limited to 4,000-5,000 words, inclusive of references. Papers should contain a 250-word abstract. Research-based manuscripts should conclude with a section on the implications for practice that are indicated by the research results. Scholarly/conceptual papers should also make connections to practice and applications, and (where appropriate) to future research and policy.

Notes in Brief
These thought-provoking and scholarly short-length manuscripts (1,000 – 2,000 words) should be submitted with the goal of initiating conversations or development of practice among educators and staff within community colleges. Notes in Brief essays may focus upon smaller research projects and their practical applications. Such manuscripts should include a description of the project, implications for practice and/or policy, and analysis of research. Alternatively, Notes in Brief essays may evaluate current issues, policy concerns, or trends relevant to community colleges and/or higher education. These essays should not be considered opinion editorials (op-eds); rather, these essays should strive to build arguments based on data, research, and sound analysis.

Book Reviews
Book reviews (750-1000 words) or review essays (1250 – 3000 words) of contemporary publications relevant to community colleges, higher education, or issues of teaching and learning should focus upon examining the major topics within the publication, and upon assessment and analysis of the publication’s focus, its strengths and weaknesses.

Student Artwork
Current VCCS community college students are invited to submit their best artwork for possible publication as the front cover to the Managing Editor.

Please direct questions to Thomas Geary, Ph.D., Inquiry Managing Editor.