
Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges

Author Bio(s)

Nekisha Burgess-Palm is a Student Account Manager at John Tyler Community College. Sandra Davis is an Associate Professor of Chemistry and Associate Dean of Art and Science at Virginia Highlands Community College. Amanda Decker is a Lead Career Navigator at Virginia Western Community College. Heather Diritto is a Transfer Counselor at Germanna Community College. Shana Dix is an Assistant Registrar at Southside Virginia Community College. Maggie Emblom-Callahan is an Associate Dean of Science at Northern Virginia Community College. Camisha Parker is an Associate Dean at Northern Virginia Community College. Eric Styles is a Coordinator of Financial Aid at Tidewater Community College.


The successes of corequisite remediation courses and supplemental instruction over traditional remediation courses such as the modular Math Essentials have been widely and recently documented (Logue, Watanabe-Rose, & Douglas, 2016). Corequisite reform is an important strategy to improve student completion of higher education goals. A robust corequisite model integrates gateway course content with lifelong tools such as time management and study skills that help students beyond the scope of one course. Corequisite remediation may not completely eliminate developmental courses; however, “a fundamental redesign of the support system for academically underprepared students” will include corequisite remediation (Vandal, 2014). This broader “support system” may integrate corequisite courses with the current (or similar) modular curriculum with non-modular precollege courses such as MTH 5 or MTH 9 in the Virginia Community College System (VCCS). Student placement into the optimal teaching/learning mode may be as key as course level placement (Bickerstaff, 2016). Corequisite remediation provides the VCCS with a powerful tool for student success. Wise integration of corequisite courses as part of a robust remediation program makes the vision of the VCCS strategic plan, Complete 2021, more clearly attainable.



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