
Inquiry: The Journal of the Virginia Community Colleges

Author Bio(s)

Lauren K. Foster is an English faculty member at Germanna Community College and a PhD student of Writing and Rhetoric at George Mason University. Lauren's research interests include writing pedagogies, sociocultural theory, language and identity, and teacher leadership. Lauren is one of eight English faculty who leads writing and developing the Direct Enrollment pilot curriculum, advising, and training. Lauren is also a writer and editor for English courses for the Transfer VA initiative. Lauren is also a contributing member to the Secretary of Education VA strategy sessions for teaching in the wake of Covid-19.


This presentation focuses on the aspects of problem-based learning within writing courses and the interconnectedness to sociocultural theory and its impacts on service learning and reflection. This presentation highlights service learning as an interactive learning tool for students to incorporate problem based learning and introduces reflection as a means of assessment. Through reflection of service learning students can understand the validity of sociocultural impacts within the world around them to help better prepare them to problem solve through writing applications. The goal then is to actively engage students on larger scale by introducing real-world problems and introducing cultural impacts.



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